CHCECE006 - Emotional Development

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CHCECE006 - Emotional Development

Post by Adelaide123 » Fri Jan 14, 2022 12:08 pm

Hey people, I need a hand with the following questions. I've got some but I know I am definitely missing something, I just don't know what ahhh! Can someone please point me in the right direction, thank you!

Children participate in a range of social situations at the service. It is our role to support these different forms of communication and interaction so they can build their self- esteem. Describe your role in the following situations:

a. A child is sitting watching a group of children build a tower the child is happy and obviously interested and enjoying watching.

I would let the child sit and watch, they are developing their cognitive and social-emotional skills by observing. I would bring over some blocks for them to build their own tower if they wanted to, but wouldn’t force them to, just give them the option.

b. A small group of children are playing in the sand trying to build sand castles. How could you join in?

I would follow their lead, I would ask if I could play as well and then ask them what they wanted me to do, should I dig? should I pack the sand? should we get some water to make the sand a bit easier to shape? I would ask questions that will help but it is up to them to decide whether they want me to play with them or not.

c. Two boys are arguing over a toy you can see that they are getting angry. How can you help them?

I would try to calm them down and talk to them about the toy, can we play with it together? If we can't play with it together, what should we do? We could take turns with it! And the child not playing with it can play with something else and then they can swap.

That's what I've got for those ones, I know it's not perfect but am I on the right track?


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Re: CHCECE006 - Emotional Development

Post by Lorina » Mon Jan 17, 2022 2:11 pm

Yes, you're on the right track with your responses!

With c) - I would also try and find another car for the other boy to play with as well so they can play together.


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Re: CHCECE006 - Emotional Development

Post by Adelaide123 » Mon Jan 17, 2022 5:16 pm

Thank you so much Lorina! :)

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Re: CHCECE006 - Emotional Development

Post by Lorina » Wed Jan 26, 2022 1:36 pm

You're welcome!


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