Being told that roster is a guide for when you'll finish

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Being told that roster is a guide for when you'll finish

Post by SJayDee » Mon Dec 06, 2021 5:27 pm

Okay so I've started at a new centre as a casual, I was rostered on to finish at 4pm and so at 4 I checked if I was allowed to go as I knew we were okay for ratio but I was told I couldn't and that the finishing time is just a guide. I ended up hanging around until nearly 5pm.
I've worked as a casual in a few different centres but have always been told/asked to stay back longer. Usually I would be sent home earlier if ratio was okay.
I know on the roster it says finishing times are a guide and not a set time but is this even allowed? From a legal perspective?
I'm happy to be a team player but I'm also not going to get used so other staff can sit inside and have a chat while I'm left with all the children.

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Re: Being told that roster is a guide for when you'll finish

Post by Lorina » Thu Dec 09, 2021 5:54 pm

Yes as a casual this will happen at times... as long as you agree to it, however if you have somewhere you need to be and cant stay back then you should tell your employer in advance. Since the hrs are a guide - if you cant stay back one day let them know in the morning itself.


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