Roles and duties of a level 3 and level 4 educators

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Roles and duties of a level 3 and level 4 educators

Post by trish73 » Sat Feb 13, 2021 11:23 am


I just started working as a casual educator last week, last time I worked in a centre was 4 years ago as a casual.
I completed my certificate 3 back in 2016 and completed most of the Diploma units back in 2018.

I have always worked a casual, mainly supervising and engaging play with the children and cleaning. I find working as a casual is great, but I have forgotten what I have learnt in my certificate 3 and what I have learnt so far in my diploma courses that needs to be applied as level 3 and 4 duties and responsibilities in a childcare centre because I have not being able to implement what I have learnt into practice.

I do not want to do my certificate 3 or redo my diploma units. Is there any online materials or books of what the roles and responsibility of what the levels 3 and 4 do on a daily or weekly basis that can refresh my memory?
When I work as a casual, I see the room leaders have different task, do they all have a meeting of who does what, so there is no clashes or conflicts? For example, who runs the program and sets up activities for the children for indoor and outdoor play, who knows to do group time and when with the children?
One of the room leaders mentioned to me if I go offered a permanent position as a level 4, they would go over the duties like how to do observations. I wonder if that is the same for level 4 to be refreshed of the duties and task.

If someone can give me all the tasks and duties with examples for the level 3 and 4 , and how the room is run together between the level 3s and 4s be very much appreciated :)

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Re: Roles and duties of a level 3 and level 4 educators

Post by Lorina » Sun Feb 14, 2021 6:30 am

When working as a casual you wont be able to implement much of what you learnt (programming and planning wise) since these are completed by the permanent Educators.

As a Level 3 educator you are there to assist the room leader. In regards to documentation you will need to complete observations, daily reflections and contribute to portfolios.

As a Level 4 educator you are responsible for the program and planning and all necessary documentation as well as a lot of other tasks.

The following may help:

Cert 3 Job Description

Diploma Job Description

In regards to the room running together, there is no set way... as a Level 4 educator you decide how much documenting or involvement you want your level 3 to complete. For me personally, it's a team effort especially when you're running a room over 20 children it can be a lot to handle and you should use your Level 3 as someone who can back you up and support you. They are not there for crappy jobs only!

You will understand as you gain more experience!


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