CHCECE006 - Are my answers ok?

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CHCECE006 - Are my answers ok?

Post by AllyssaH » Tue May 19, 2020 12:45 pm

Hey there!
I'm just wondering if I'm on the right path or if I've missed the mark with my answers :giggle:
Andrew has just started at the centre. He is a very happy two-year-old boy, but when upset, he tends to bite others. A few of the parents have raised concerns that their child has been bitten. How can you redirect Andrew’s behaviour to ensure that the other children in your care are not harmed?
Spend time with Andrew to see if you’re able to find the source of his behaviour.
conduct observations of Andrew with other children and educators.
Take the findings to a supervisor and suggest a behaviour management plan.
By using positive reinforcement and a BMP Andrew’s behaviour should improve and ensure the other children are not harmed.

The next one has 3 parts and I need help with the last part if possible. I am really stuck.
1)Hanna, who is four and a half years old, was in a car crash with her parents. Her mother, Hanna’s main carer, was in the hospital for approximately seven months, and her father died in the accident. How could this affect Hanna’s behaviour?
Hanna may start to exhibit clingy behaviour towards a carer or staff along with anxiety and difficulty detaching when being dropped at school. Hanna could start to withdraw from activities and social connections and experience difficulty with everyday needs such as sleep, eating and going to the toilet.

2)Following on from Q4, you notice that Hanna has become withdrawn and often lashes out at other children when they try to play with her. You are concerned with this recent change in behaviour. What steps should you take?
Notify my supervisor of my concern and start to work towards a behaviour management plan. Spend time with Hanna one-on-one expressing positive body and verbal language.

3)Following on from Q5, Hanna’s behaviour does not improve. You notice that she tends to calm down in one-on-one interactions with an educator. You have spoken with your supervisor about this and have been advised that they cannot roster another staff member on without an ECE intervention support plan. What should you do?
Does anyone have any insight or links that would help me with this one?
I really appreciate the time and help :)

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Re: CHCECE006 - Are my answers ok?

Post by Lorina » Sat May 30, 2020 6:05 pm

You're on the right track with your responses!

See if the following helps: Intervention Support Plan


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