Need feedback for CHCECE021 please

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Need feedback for CHCECE021 please

Post by beckynj » Wed Dec 26, 2018 5:03 pm

Hi, I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and are enjoying their much deserved break :)

I need help and feedback in answering these questions for my assignment CHCECE021:

1. Discuss with educator/s modifications that may be considered to the present service delivery to further meet the needs of children with additional needs. Document the educators’ response

There is a child in preschool 1 room who has recently been diagnosed with autism level 2. He has difficulty with speech and language development, especially receptive language. At group time which involves story, learning discussion and group games, he struggles to remain focus and becomes fidgety, however, he enjoys being part of the group and likes to join in group games. The educators had a discussion and decided to adapt the group time by shortening the time to suit the child's attention span and focusing more on engaging him in group games to support social and emotional skills.

2. Describe how educators are exploring diversity with children and supporting children’s rights to have their cultures, identities, abilities and strengths acknowledged and valued in curriculum decisions.

I'm not sure how to answer this question. Does this mean building cultural competency within the learning environments? I feel there is more to that...but I'm not sure how to answer the question. Is it about creating opportunities for all children to engage in all kinds of experiences?

4. Describe how you as a student, have facilitated children’s exploration of fairness ad respect.

Children base their concepts of right or wrong, fair or unfair, respectful or disrespectful by observing the adults around them say or do; they take adults' behaviours as cues for social expectations. Educators need to model and display desirable behaviours and attitudes as well as seek opportunities to talk to the children about acceptable and unacceptable behaviours.

5. Describe how you as a student, have provided opportunities in your curriculum to learn about similarities and differences.

Provide children with objective and honest responses when asked or pointed out about differences. Encourage and teach children that differences are positive, interesting and exciting and use children's questions as an opportunity to collaborate and co-construct learning together. If children talk or ask about different clothes people wear, incorporate diversity into learning experiences such as reading books on people from different cultures and adding cultural clothes and objects to dramatic play area.

6. Discuss with educator/s possible barriers to children’s learning. Document their response.

How should I answer this question? I think I'm trying to understand the purpose of this question, what are they looking for from my answer?

Am I on the right track answering some of the questions? Thanks so much for your feedback :)

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Re: Need feedback for CHCECE021 please

Post by Lorina » Thu Dec 27, 2018 3:06 pm



Describe how educators are exploring diversity with children and supporting children’s rights to have their cultures, identities, abilities and strengths acknowledged and valued in curriculum decisions.

Avoiding Cultural Tokenism

Multiculturalism In Childcare

Describe how you as a student, have facilitated children’s exploration of fairness and respect.

It's asking for an example of how you facilitated children's exploration of fairness and respect.

Rainsing Care Children

Describe how you as a student, have provided opportunities in your curriculum to learn about similarities and differences.

Provide examples of how you as a student taught children about similarities and differences.

Discuss with educator/s possible barriers to children’s learning. Document their response.

Use this as a starting point:

Common Barriers To Learning

You are on the right track with your responses, however some of the questions are referring to you as a student, so with these make sure you answer as what you will do yourself, rather than generalising.

Hope this helps!


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Re: Need feedback for CHCECE021 please

Post by beckynj » Wed Jan 02, 2019 8:33 pm

Thans Lorina, your feedback is much appreciated :)

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Re: Need feedback for CHCECE021 please

Post by Lorina » Tue Jan 08, 2019 3:37 pm

You're welcome!


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