Experiences To Teach Children About Sun Safety

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Experiences To Teach Children About Sun Safety

Post by seep » Tue Sep 08, 2015 4:39 pm

Q-create and develop a fun and interesting experience for children to participate in which teach the importance of sun safety.the experience must include relevant resources which will be interesting and fun for children to use and explore.

My Ans-Reminders about staying sun safe in Australia appear to be never-ending. But there’s a reason for this. Skin cancer can be fatal. For Australians it is a disease that is way too prevalent.

“Two out of three of the kids at school today will be diagnosed with skin cancer in later life – some of them with deadly melanomas.”
Cancer Council NSW

The Cancer Council in New South Wales recommends that any child under the age of 12 months should NOT be exposed to direct sunlight.

Here are some key considerations for protecting young skin when playing outdoors:

Think ahead:
plan the day’s activities in advance, scheduling any outdoor play away from prime sun damage time, or when UV radiation is at its highest (between 10 AM to 2 PM).

where possible, cover a child’s skin with loose clothing made from tightly woven fabrics.

always apply SPF 30+ broad-spectrum sunscreen to any area of a child’s skin that will be exposed to sunlight. Remember to use a water-resistant sunscreen if the child is swimming or playing near water.

Hats on:
This includes leaving the house to commute to school, playing in the garden, at the playground, during sporting activities and even general activities such as running errands and going shopping.

Pram protection:
provide shade for strollers and prams. These days there are a wide variety of sun protective covers available for all shapes and sizes of strollers and prams.

When playing outdoors
-Try to encourage children to play in the shade or away from direct sunlight – particularly in prime (sunlight exposure) time.
-Reapply sunscreen, ideally every two hours.
-Do a clothing check now and then – reassess the child’s clothing and make sure they are adequately covered and comfortable, particularly if they have been swimming or playing with water.

A note on sunscreen
It must be remembered that sunscreen alone is not enough to provide complete sun protection. It is advisable that protective clothing is worn in addition to sunscreen. Occasionally a child will develop a reaction to sunscreen. If this is the case, choose a different brand of sunscreen, or one that is manufactured especially for children or those with sensitive skin.

AS I am a distance student so I am advised to attach a photo of resources and to implement this experience this with children so how about if I attach the photo collage of sunscreen,hats, pram covers etc with this response or any other suggestion would be helpful in this regard. plz. help.thanks

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Re: Experiences To Teach Children About Sun Safety

Post by Lorina » Tue Sep 08, 2015 9:39 pm

You need to come up with an experience to teach children about sun safety. This may give you some ideas:

Sunsmart Resources


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Re: Experiences To Teach Children About Sun Safety

Post by Stephanie31 » Fri Nov 16, 2018 4:44 am

Regarding sunscreen and other similar products. I believe that it is necessary to make everything on their own, from natural ingredients. Chemicals contained in many medicines are very dangerous for children's skin. Here is an example of how to make lotion yourself https://www.tanoholic.com/diy-lotions-oils/

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