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Post by Chloe2505 » Mon Oct 30, 2017 10:51 am

Hi Everyone, i'm hoping someone can give me some advice and guidance as i'm currently studying my DIPLOMA however am still awaiting a DCSI screening so am unable to do anything within a centre which limits how much advice I can get regarding assignments.
I've answered most of the questions however I feel as though there is information missing in my response and I've got a brain block.

Q1: A child is 4yrs old with 2 dads and children are saying that she can't have 2 dads.
How could you use all the families in the centre to celebrate diversity?

Based on the situation above we could give families and opportunity to provide some information about who is in their immediate family as well as their extended family and encourage families to provide a family photo that we can add onto our family tree within the room.
We could also encourage families to send in some of their favourite recipes and do some food prep or cooking with the children and we could also use the opportunity to teach the children to say “Hello and Goodbye” in other languages and we could do this by talking with parents from various cultures and ask them to teach us so that we can teach it to the children.

Q2 A child (3yo) has been displaying challenging behaviours (pushing, hitting etc)
C: Discuss how you would use the information (Observations, Notes, Programming Goals, the child's Health Needs) you have gathered to include and program experiences for the child that would meet his needs?
What experiences might you provide?

absolute mind block no matter what I try it doesn't sound right!

D: How might you need to adapt the physical environment and routines to better include the child?
Provide Ben with experiences & activities in smaller groups so that it’s easier to manage. Etc etc etc

Q3 A child is starting at the centre and has cerebral palsy

B: Explain how you would develop an inclusion plan for the child in consultation with (Gowrie SA) Inclusion Support Agency (IPS) and who would you include in this process?[/b]

We would include the child's family and any therapists that are involved with the child such as Speech therapists, Occupational therapists and Physiotherapists etc. We could also include the child's support services such as Disability SA etc.

H: If a child appears to be having difficulty accessing some of the aspects of the program what strategies could you implement?

We need to ensure that the child can access every area and aspect of the program and curriculum, if something isn’t accessible to the child then we need to adjust it so that it can be.

I hope that theres enough information here and that someone will be able to provide some feedback. I've done majority of the assignment so far and it's already well above the word count at over 4000 words but these sections I just can't seem to find the right wording etc.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated
Thank you in advance

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Post by Lorina » Mon Oct 30, 2017 4:43 pm

Chloe2505 wrote:QR_BBPOST Q2 A child (3yo) has been displaying challenging behaviours (pushing, hitting etc)
C: Discuss how you would use the information (Observations, Notes, Programming Goals, the child's Health Needs) you have gathered to include and program experiences for the child that would meet his needs?
What experiences might you provide?

So, when you identify a child with the challenging behaviour you would need to observe the child over a period of time to gather information on why they are displaying that behaviour. So, it could be the child lacks communication skills and it may be hard for them to use their words when asking for a toy or an activity, in this case, they will hit to get what they want. Or they may feel frustrated trying to complete a task so they throw toys etc. Only through observations, talking to family about what's going on at home can help you to determine the underlying cause. Once you have determined the cause you can use experiences to support the child through role-playing, telling stories, etc.


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Post by Lorina » Mon Oct 30, 2017 4:46 pm

In regards to developing an inclusion plan:

Inclusion Plan Readings


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Post by Lorina » Mon Oct 30, 2017 4:47 pm

Chloe2505 wrote:QR_BBPOST H: If a child appears to be having difficulty accessing some of the aspects of the program what strategies could you implement?

We need to ensure that the child can access every area and aspect of the program and curriculum, if something isn’t accessible to the child then we need to adjust it so that it can be.

How? What would you do?


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