Scenario: Milo the Asthmatic

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Scenario: Milo the Asthmatic

Post by brookeamy » Thu Oct 05, 2017 9:39 pm

Milo (4 years 4 months), an only child, is a chronic asthmatic and has been in and out of hospital many times. Milo’s mother, Jane, is very protective of her son. Milo has never been away from his mother’s care – when he is hospitalised she always stays with him. Jane has tried to avoid Milo having contact with other children – she fears he will catch an infection that may trigger his asthma. Ted, her husband, feels that Jane is ‘babying Milo and fussing too much’. He has persuaded Jane that it would be good for Milo to mix with other children, to ‘toughen up a bit and learn to stand on his own two feet.’
Milo has been at the centre two days per week for the last five weeks. He has settled well and his asthma is being monitored and well managed by the staff.
Jane remains extremely anxious. Every morning she checks with the staff that they know what to do in the event of an asthma attack. Jane also gives the same instruction each day: “no running around, stay off the climbing equipment in case you fall, keep your shoes and socks on, don’t play in the water in case you get wet”.
Jane usually telephones the centre twice a day to make sure he is safe and well.
Jo, the Director, is aware that the staff find Jane very difficult and always finish with the comment “Poor Milo”.

What might Jo do to encourage staff to be more empathic towards Jane?

- Allow them to know that Milo is the only child and Jane is very protective of him
- Try and respect Janes wishes and do the best that they can do
- Explain the issues that Jane has to face
- Explain Jane is worried about Milo
Have staff members ask about Milo asthma before drop off and give a run down when Jane is to pick up Milo

What could Jo inform the staff members in regards to Milo to encourage more empathy from them. Hint: pretend you are a director at a centre and you need to make your staff aware that this parent is very stressed to leave her son in care- what kind of things would you bring up with team to reinforce this?

Any help much appreciated!
Thank you

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Re: Scenario: Milo the Asthmatic

Post by Lorina » Fri Oct 06, 2017 4:08 pm

Explain about Janes situation and about Milo's condition. Let staff know that even though Jane rings to be positive and answer her questions... Let Jane know that you will keep an eye on Milo and let her know that you will remind Milo about the reminding etc. Staff should be very supportive...


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