Planning and Organisation Which Supports Innovation

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Planning and Organisation Which Supports Innovation

Post by m.abdi » Sat Apr 22, 2017 3:14 pm

you are required to use your planning organisational skills to create a physical environment/area which supports innovation within your workplace.
1. Design a meaningful innovative space/area, and describe how it will
a) fit with in the context of your service values and overall objectives.
b) meet relevant legislative frameworks.
c) enhance the physical work environment
d) incorporate difference ways of rewarding performance
e) promote culture of ongoing learning development
f) motivate individuals to use creative thinking and apply innovative work practices.

2. demonstrate how you have used collaborative practices in your planning by outlining how you:
a) considered the risks, costs and resources required
b)consulted with your work place supervisor before taking action
c) collaborated with colleagues
d) responded to suggestions and how you advocated for your plan

3. implement your innovative plan in your work place and provide a report evaluating the effectiveness of your innovative idea. in your report include how you:
a) considered factors and tools that motivated individuals to use creative thinking and apply innovative work practices
b) improved collaboration and working towards a shared vision
c)improved pedagogical practice, productivity, and staff morale
d) lead by example and established trust
e) responded to any resistance barriers and acknowledged those who embraced change
f) managed the overall change process

these are my answers and I don't know if they are correct
1. The innovative spaces that can be created by the service can be the arrangement of natural surrounding around them as the natural view is very powerful and the employees will have less mental stress and tension when nature will be present (Martin, n.d.). The employees should be provided fitness centres which mean healthy employees are more productive and happy. These can be in form of fitness education or by providing subsidized lunches them. This will increase employee engagement and be beneficial to employers. This will be good as the company will have to bear less loss due to loss in productivity because of employee absenteeism. They will have more retention rates which will reduce the money wasted on recruitment and selection. They will perform their jobs in a better way and will reach home with more vigour and be happy there also. This will also develop a sense of camaraderie and will get a chance to share their views with others. An employee will remain linked to the company because of several reasons.
2. Various risks are involved and factors to be kept in mind while designing a fitness centre for employees, this involves a locker room for regular checks, very careful while using water at shower rooms, proper techniques to be used while handling weights, proper maintenance of exercise machines and many more. Though initially the company has to incur some costs for it but in long run the benefits reaped from this are much more than the investment involved.

3. The employees can take care of their health on the job only and this will reduce their absenteeism from work. Even this will increase their productivity while working on the job. The company has to incur fewer costs on other stuff. The company is able to provide employees well being and job satisfaction. The employees can also learn to manage stress levels by attending various stress management sessions. The benefits of socializing can work wonders for improving employee’s performance. The employees will be motivated by seeing positive results of others.

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Re: Planning and Organisation Which Supports Innovation

Post by Lorina » Tue Apr 25, 2017 4:40 am

With this question I think it's talking about the overall environment within a centre, which you need to create an innovative idea for...


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Joined: Fri Jul 22, 2016 9:07 pm

Re: Planning and Organisation Which Supports Innovation

Post by m.abdi » Wed Apr 26, 2017 8:20 am

do i have to come up another idea.

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