CHCECE025 - Embed sustainable practices in service operations

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CHCECE025 - Embed sustainable practices in service operations

Post by elanf » Sat Mar 26, 2016 12:59 pm

Hi all!

I am very much doubting myself on the following questions in this unit about sustainability, if anyone has any suggestions, critiques or criticisms I would love to hear them.
The first question states; Outline on qualitative method ( a change that can be observed or described) and one quantitative method (a changed that can be measured numerically) that a service could use to evaluate their sustainability program.
As part of your answer, include a method relating to each of the following ; cleaning and maintenance, buildings & equipment

My attempted answer;
A qualitative method - replacing chemical cleaning products with natural ingredients such as bi-carb soda (replaces jif), lemon juice (instead of bleach) and borax as an alternative for disinfectants.

A quantitative method - introducing clearly labelled (perhaps colour coded) recycle containers, encouraging recyclable materials such as plastics, paper/cardboards etc. to be used through craft and construction play.

Second question I am not too sure on goes on to say; Outline the impact that the following issues have had on the centre's sustainability program. In your answer, provide examples of what has been done at the centre to address the concerns caused by these global issues: climate change, ozone layer effect, greenhouse effect, earth resources & biodiversity

What I have so far - Global warming is the recent and ongoing increase in the average global temperature over the past century. This has affected local weather patterns, which has affected the environment and local fauna and flora, as well as affecting humanity through the lack of water, food and habitation presenting a rising concern. This has been caused by an increase in carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere in the last 150 years, mostly due to the burning of fossil fuels for energy - such as to fuel a car or airplane, or to heat a home.
As a result of this, Clare Court Children Services have implemented strategies to reduce our energy and electricity consumption - turning off lights when leaving an empty room, using clothes line to dry clean washing, only turning a load of dirty washing on once full.
The Service's commitment to sustainable practices shows in the recycling of all cardboard/boxes and paper by reusing the cardboard in craft or projects with children and recycling paper in the office and as children's drawing paper.

The last two are pretty simple I'm not sure why I'm stuck!
List the documents that refer to sustainability in your centre
environmental sustainability policy, local bin colours & bin colours within service, recycling systems, local plant and wildlife ...

Describe two ethical dilemmas that might come from the centres waste disposal practices.
No idea on this one. .

Any help or guidance would be MUCHO appreciated.
Thank you :)

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