Scenario: Caleb - Bruises On The Forehead

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Scenario: Caleb - Bruises On The Forehead

Post by ab2479 » Sat Feb 18, 2017 6:40 pm

Following is the scenario -
Caleb is a 5 yr old boy who attends your service from mon to thurs. Today(monday) you notice a bruise on childs forehead, approximately of a size of 50 cent piece. Caleb did not have the bruise when he was at the service last week. You mention the bruise to caleb and he says, "Daddy was very angry today because i wasnt getting ready for kindy". You got a child a piece of cold cloth and place on Calebs forehead and whilst doing so caleb continues, "Daddy pushed me on the wall and i hit my head. I cried and told Mummy and she said, thats whatr happens when you get ready for kindy."
Whilst telling you this Caleb was upset and crying. You decide to consult your room leader who suggests to meet up.
Questions :
1. What are your main concerns
My Ans : Calebs head is bruised and he has told the educator that a fmily member was involved in pushing his against the wall. My main concerns are that Caleb is physically abused. Again, it has happened in the morning rush hours and coud be because the family is unable to handle stress and parenting. Caleb is 5 and thus developing his own identity so parenting styles should change.
2. Describe your indicators of possible abuse
My Ans : Caleb is bruised on forehead which was not there on the previous week. He has spoken to the educator detailing what exactly happened. He is also emotionally hurt and he is visibly upset and crying. Physical harm is obvious.
3. Suggest some strategies that could be put in place by the service to support caleb.
4. Suggest how the service could support the parents in their parenting role.

I really do not understandt how to respond to question 3 and 4. For qs 4 I could only write that the service could give some information on CWU and also some tips on parenting.
Please help

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Re: Scenario: Caleb - Bruises On The Forehead

Post by Lorina » Sun Feb 19, 2017 2:18 pm

Ok, so you're on the right track with your responses!

Regarding 3) - since he is visibly upset regarding the incident he needs to be comforted and told that everything will be alright. Maybe give him some one on one time with an educator or get him to settle with an activity he enjoys or of his choice.

Regarding 4) - I think that we should relate this to his parents about how he was upset and what he had said. It could have been a very small incident been blown out of proportion. Sometimes parents don't realise how the small issues could affect the children...

Hope this helps!


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