Guiding Children's behaviour

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Guiding Children's behaviour

Post by Jaspreetatri » Mon Nov 07, 2016 2:14 pm

Read each statement and:
• Suggest the most appropriate Educator response (you may choose more than one) from the list below.
• Give a reason for your choice of strategy – you should draw on your knowledge of child development.
Ignore Ask questions Take action alongside Natural consequences
Role model Brainstorm Praise desired behaviour Logical consequences
Act as reporter Offer ideas Distract/substitute Conflict resolution
Step in/set limits Offer a choice Redirect Change environment

Statement Appropriate Carer Response Reason for choice of strategy
1) Liam (4 years) and Zac (5 years 1 month) have been building an elaborate castle in the block corner. They have worked on their creation for at least an hour. As he is reaching for a block, Liam accidently knocks over part of the building. Zac screams at Liam, “You idiot, now look what you’ve done!”
Appropriate Carer Response : Step in/set limit and Conflict resolution
Reason for choice of strategy: Children need clear message about what behaviours are acceptable and what are not.

2)Binnie a toddler is playing with a doll, Cara (2 years 4 months) grabs the doll saying “That mine”, Binnie starts to cry
Appropriate Carer Response: Offer a choice, distract/substitute
Reason for choice of strategy: Sometimes children simply do not have the will power or self control to do the right thing even when they know what kind of behaviour is accepted or expected.

3) Molly (3 years 7 months) finds it hard to make friends. Today she walks into the dramatic play area saying “I want to play too!” Molly then snatches a doll from the high chair saying “I’m the mother.” The children begin to argue and tell Molly to go away. Molly stomps off saying, “I hate you!”
Appropriate Carer Response: Step in/set limit , praise desired behaviour
Reason for choice of strategy: It is about supporting children to learn to do the right thing and to want to do it. As with all learning the foundation of children’s learning is the warm and caring relationship between you and the child.

4) Carrie (3 years) has been asked twice by the carer not to throw sand. On this occasion the Educator says “Carrie I have reminded you not to throw sand. You need to leave the sand pit and go find something else to do.” Carrie yells at the Educator “I hate you.”
Appropriate Carer Response: Offer a choice and Distract/substitute
Reason for choice of strategy: Offering them to do something else diverts their mind from the unacceptable thing they are doing now. Along with this educator need to involve in the new activity with the child so he/she know that they got your support and attention which would help in making good bond and relation in between educator and children.

5) Mia (4 years 9 months) Mia is sitting at the puzzle table attempting a difficult puzzle. In frustration Mia says, “This bloody puzzle is too hard.”
Appropriate Carer Response: Offer ideas and redirect
Reason for choice of strategy: New ideas always help in solving the problems that children face, it helps them in getting more creative and redirecting make them feel that that educators care for them and always there to help them.

6) Preschoolers Kurt, Jovana, Seren and Emmanuel are playing on the bikes; they are pretending to be police officers. The game continues for around 20 minutes and then starts to get out of hand. The children are not following the bike ‘rules’ and are beginning to annoy other children.
Appropriate Carer Response: Step in and Offer choices
Reason for choice of strategy: It’s essential for educator to step in when things seems getting out of hand so that it would not get worst. Along with this its better to give then choice to play another game which everyone likes and would calm down the current situation.

7) Preschoolers Serena, Asiah and Zenna have been playing in the garden with jungle animals, small dolls and pieces of fabric. The children have created a little village. Asiah had the idea of creating a river. She dug a hole and poured water into it. Unfortunately the water spilled over and flooded the village. Now Serena and Zanna are upset with Asiah.
Appropriate Carer Response: Natural consequences and Change environment
Reason for choice of strategy: Tell them that it is natural, the flood always hit the villages which are near by the river. So they don’t have to be sad. They can always create a new one and Help them in making another village or ask them if they want to play something else

8) When Pedra (18 months) is playing outside in the toddler area he gets upset and begins to cry if he sees his older sister in the preschool play area.
Appropriate Carer Response: Offer a choice and Distract/substitute
Reason for choice of strategy: Talk to him and offer him a choice which he like the most and this will distract his mind from the current situation that is making him cry.

Hi Lorina My assessor told me to revise the reason for choice of strategy, she is not happy with any of these ones. please help.

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