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Colour Matching Sort enables children to match the colour objects to the correct colour mats. This is great for colour recognition and for children learning colours.
Dinosaur Number Posters are great to use for a dinosaur theme. Each poster displays the number, number name and the matching amount of dinosaurs. Children can use these to practice counting, recognise numbers and count the dinosaurs on each poster.…
Certificates and Awards that can be used by Educators and Parents to reward their child. Each award come with a fun poem and a really cute design. Just another fun way to offer encouragement and support to a child and…
The My Early Warning Signs Posters detail the first signs and symptoms that a child may experience when they feel that something isn't right. These are great for children to understand what their bodies are telling them and a way…
The My Body Safety Rules Posters are great to display and use as a discussion point for teaching children about how to protect themselves or what to do when they start to feel uncomfortable around a particular adult or in…
The Germs Posters are visual posters for children to understand how to keep germs to themselves. These are a great reminder for children to stay healthy.
The Mindfulness Activity Cards have simple instructions for children to follow. These mindfulness activities will help children feel calmer and happier through these simple muscle relaxation, breathing exercises, listening activities. It's a great way to get children to settle.
The Deep Breathing Posters provide instructions on different types of breathing exercises for children. Breathing exercises provide a number of key benefits for children including reducing stress and increasing positive thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
The Chakra Posters provides information on the 7 main chakras, what they are and explanations for each. Chakras are an area in the body connected with life energy. A chakra vitalizes a physical body and is associated with interactions of…
The Yoga Poses For Children Posters illustrate 16 different yoga poses/asanas for children to practice. Each poster demonstrates the child's yoga pose/asana, followed by the yoga pose name in English and Sanskrit. These are great to be used as a…
The Yoga Colouring Pages are for children to colour, paint, or collage. These are great for children to observe the different types of yoga poses and to begin to identify them. When children practise yoga it increases their confidence, builds…
Ocean Shadow Flashcards enable children to match each ocean animal with their shadow. Shadow matching enables children to develop visual discrimination skills and analyse the shapes of sea animals to match one another.
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