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Posters & Charts

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The Australian Food Posters show pictures of foods that are found throughout Australia and are typical of Australian culture. These are great to use as a display and to share with children.
The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Songs Posters for children show the lyrics of 3 popular ATSI songs for children. These can be displayed in the learning environment. Inanay - A Torres Strait Islander song about a goanna in Yorta…
The Chinese New Year Posters show how New Year is celebrated. These images show the culture and traditions of Chinese New Year which can be displayed or shown to children during circle time.
The Chinese New Year Information Posters provide a brief description of the culture and traditions of the Chinese New Year. These are great to use as a Chinese New Year cultural display within the learning environment.
Kites Posters provide images of different kites that can be flown from around the world. These can be used as a discussion point with children of what a kite may look like, kite designs and more.
The Australian Snake Posters show images of popular Australian snakes and their names. These can be used to teach children about snakes found throughout Australia.
The Australian Snakes Information Posters provides information on the 10 most popular snakes in Australia, It also includes information about where it is found, other names for the snake and brief information about the snake.
The Christmas Songs Posters provide lyrics to Christmas songs and rhymes that children can learn during group time for the upcoming holiday season. These song posters can also be displayed within the learning environment.
Santa's From Around The World Posters displays different images of Santa's in different countries and also provides a brief description of how Santa is depicted in each country. These are great for discussion points with children and incorporating different cultures…
The Australian Birds Posters are great to share with children and show Australia's different types of birds. These can be great to display in the outdoor environment and see if birds can be identified from the poster. These can also…
The Story Genre Posters provide an overview of the different types of stories that may be read. These are great to display in the library area or book corner.
The Weather Songs and Rhymes Posters have lyrics to different types of weather songs that can be sung by children during group time. These are simple and easy songs for children to sing about the weather, These posters can be…
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