Aussie Childcare Network Forum • how to improve handwriting
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how to improve handwriting

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2019 7:03 pm
by firsttimemum

What is 5 years old's handwriting like? my daughter's handwriting is quite bad (shouldn't say that as a parent), school doesn't seem to push it as well... I bought her many handwriting books to practice but she is not into it. She likes to use iPad more than pen, which is a worry.

I also noticed that in her class, 80% of the kids don't know how to hold the pen properly. However when it comes to electronic devices, they are way better than me :)

Am I the only one who has the concern these days?

Re: how to improve handwriting

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2020 11:52 pm
by Rodni12
Yes, the same problem was, but by the age of 10 it was corrected

Re: how to improve handwriting

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2020 3:20 pm
by Lorina
My daughter was the same - but we got her to practice and she has improved tremendously over the past few months. I would suggest don't make it a chore as in the end, it will turn into something that the hate practising. You can incorporate it into games at home for example that will encourage them to write - for example, you could play word bingo (get them to write 5 animals to use in the game) - story writing - writing letters to family members - creating cards to give to friends - writing the shopping list - these are ways you can incorporate your child to practice writing without forcing them to do it. They say practice makes perfect - that's right - the more the child practices the better it will become.


Re: how to improve handwriting

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2020 8:56 pm
by AmberP
My handwriting developed in high school, and my older son already writes well. He is very attentive, neat. I bought him writing books when he didn't go to school, he liked to write letters. He needs practice.

Re: how to improve handwriting

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 7:24 pm
by AureaRea
I remember improving my handwriting back then with some practice. I hope kids today will also do that. Yes, I agree that children nowadays just tend to choose iPads over pens nowadays. I think that will be a problem lately, now that everyone's homeschooled. Back in our days, I was able to improve mine because of all the notes that needed to be written on our notebooks in school. LOL. Good old days. Just make your child write more, even though it's more difficult than typing.

Re: how to improve handwriting

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2021 6:27 pm
by GeorgeThomas324
A student can observe a few habits to be more productive and increase their efficiency in terms of knowledge, However, there are so many things on internet which you can follow but I would recommend you to follow this, Here is a relevant link for you which I think is better for everyone to read and understand the things to do ... roductive/. I hope you will understand what I am saying and trying to discuss here.

The first and foremost thing is to start one thing at a time and not overwhelm yourself with unmanageable tasks. The key to being a productive student is to be consistent and set achievable goals. Begin with the most challenging task and keep your notes handy so you won't have to search the relevant material again and again. Be mindful and avoid distractions, and don't forget to review your performance weekly to analyze your progress towards your goals. Studying can be demanding and time-consuming, but once you find out what works best for you is worth the effort.

Re: how to improve handwriting

Posted: Thu May 12, 2022 7:13 pm
by Nandy84

Making good handwriting is not only about practice, but also some techniques and mechanisms are involved in the process of making good handwriting which needs to be performed step by step. Starting from strengthening the fine motor skills, followed by holding the pencil grip properly, practicing to use of both the hands, followed by an understanding of cursive rules, all are involved there.

But to make the child motivated in writing is another issue.
You can encourage the child in writing by making the practice fun. You can offer your child a special pencil or a rainbow of colored ones or something glittering staff to make the child feel interested in writing. You can encourage drawing and puzzle games. You may use different interesting and colourful tools in writing such as colourfull, decorated pages, you can give your child secret diaries, etc.

At the same time, you also need to make a rule of using a fixed amount of time in writing in your house and firmly have to convey this rule and have to notice that the rule is being obeyed.
The first few days, it may be tough, but slowly your kid will be habituated to writing.

