Aussie Childcare Network Forum • Children Bringing Junk Food For Lunch
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Children Bringing Junk Food For Lunch

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 6:30 pm
by helencdiehm
I am doing relief work at a centre where children bring there own food.I am worried about the amount of UNHEALTHY FOOD in the lunch boxes. Wouldn't this be a problem at accreditation time allowing children to eat JUNK.I have come from a centre where meals were provided so I am unsure how to deal with this. Being relief I am trying not to upset anyone but I cant believe the amount of SOMETIMES FOOD put in there lunch bags.Is this a problem????? :?

Re: Healthy Eating

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 9:43 pm
by JNP
This is also a problem we have at our centre. We told the parents at parent interviews at the start of the year about our healthy eating policy. We have tried putting information in the newsletter to parents about the importance of healthy eating and we are also trying to educate the children, but it still keeps happening. I don't think this situation would effect your accreditation because you can't control what parents put in their children's lunch boxes and you can't stop the children from eating. I think all we can really do is encourage the children to eat their 'healthy' food first.

Re: Healthy Eating

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 2:49 pm
by Lorina
I think the main reason why so many children bring unhealthy food is because it's quick and easy... Parents will often say that they don't have time to sit and make a sandwich for their child (pathetic isn't) and rather grab a pack of chips or some other rubbish instead. I think you should gather a list of healthy food ideas and send it home to parents... That way when parents go shopping they know what to buy without having to think... Or at least that got some guide as in what is an appropriate od choice for their child... Unfortunately telling parents once or twice isn't enough! You have to constantly repeat yourself...


Re: Children Bringing Junk Food For Lunch

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 3:43 pm
by JNP
We did provide parents with a list of healthy food options at the start of the year but it hasn't really made any difference. I think you are right LA. Parents are so time poor that they would rather grab a pack of chips or chocolate bar than peel/chop veges or make a sandwich. But i don't understand why they just don't grab an apple, banana or other piece of fruit. Fruit is also a cheaper option than prepackaged junk. I just don't get it!!

Re: Children Bringing Junk Food For Lunch

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 4:33 pm
by Lorina
Maybe you need to do something like "Lunches of The Day" or "Meals of the Day". Have a contest for the children who brings in the healthiest lunch. Each child who brings in a healthy snack/lunch gets a sticker on a chart and then at the end of the month, the child with the most stickers wins a prize. It could be a prize related to food such as a food puzzle, a book, or a little toy kitchen (these are mini and you can buy from cheap stores for like $10)... Then for "Lunch/Meal of the Day" choose a child that brings in the healthiest packed lunch and on the notice board add their photo along with what lunch they brought. As a prize you can give them a healthy eating colouring book and a certificate (make it yourself by printing out colouring pages and staple them together).

I guess you just need to do something drastic to get the families involved!

This is just an idea,


Re: Children Bringing Junk Food For Lunch

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 8:36 pm
by JNP
We have also had a 'healthy eating award'. It was a certificate that stated something like 'this certifies that Johnny brought healthy food to kindergarten today'. We gave it to the child who bought the most healthy lunch to kinder. This usually inspired the other children to bring healthy food. We would only give it to the child if they ate all of the healthy food in their lunch box. We also only gave it once to each child. We marked their names off a class list when they got the award, making sure that everyone had a turn.
Let us know how you go. I would be interested to see which strategies worked for you.

Jules :)

Re: Children Bringing Junk Food For Lunch

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 9:53 pm
by NorthLight36
At my centre we won't allow children to eat junk food, even if it means we have to provide the child with some fruit or a sandwhich. For the unhealthy food, we have a large red sticker we place on each junk food item that says, "We're sorry. Due to our healthy eating policy we could not serve this item to your child. An alternative was provided."

Re: Children Bringing Junk Food For Lunch

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 10:51 pm
by Lorina
NorthLight36 wrote:At my centre we won't allow children to eat junk food, even if it means we have to provide the child with some fruit or a sandwhich. For the unhealthy food, we have a large red sticker we place on each junk food item that says, "We're sorry. Due to our healthy eating policy we could not serve this item to your child. An alternative was provided."
What a great idea!! :clap:

To parents respond well to this? Do some parents still provide junk food to their child knowing that you will give them something else instead? What happens if it's the same parents bringing junk food constantly?


Re: Children Bringing Junk Food For Lunch

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2013 10:26 pm
by NorthLight36
Usually parents respond pretty well. Some do get defensive or claim they don't have time, but we always have handouts on hand that have ideas for quick, healthy options that are just as easy to provide.

For repeat offenders, the policy is that we give three free alternative lunches, then afterwards the parents are charged an extra fee to cover costs, similar to our fee for parents who fail to collect their child on time without calling to warn they'd be late. I've never personally seen that fee charged, as usually a little education and friendly advice solves the problem.

Re: Children Bringing Junk Food For Lunch

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 2:34 pm
by Lorina
Great tip!

I'm keeping this in mind for the future. See, if parents have no option then they will provide a healthy alternative, especially if they have to pay if they dont. It's a very very good idea!


Re: Children Bringing Junk Food For Lunch

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 3:19 pm
by NorthLight36
It does work out very, very well.

Though if I get the job I'm interviewing for tomorrow, I'll be working in a centre that provides all meals. That'll be a nice bit of stress relief. No more wondering if I'm going to open something chock full of onion and stop breathing because parents don't know the casual worker (me) is allergic. lol

Re: Children Bringing Junk Food For Lunch

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 4:24 pm
by Lorina
That would be a bit of a problem wouldn't it!

Having a centre that provides lunch can be stressful itself. Whether or not there is someone in the kitchen, preparing meals already or the staff divide the job up amongst themselves! Whatever it is, the children have to eat whether they bring it from home or the centre provides it. :giggle:


Re: Children Bringing Junk Food For Lunch

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2013 4:11 pm
by catchmeifucan
We have hot meals provided for at my centre as well. It's a big issue when a child doesn't like what's on the menu for the day. Sometimes it's pretty awful and I don't even eat it myself. Even though they are kids they need taste and flavors. That's probably why junk food is popular. Al that sugar! .