Aussie Childcare Network Forum • Costing Formulas for Child Care
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Costing Formulas for Child Care

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 10:09 pm
by BillyLidz
Hi Everyone,

I am very new to the website - from what I have seen it is very useful and has some great starting points. I am looking at establishing my own Childcare and am wondering if anyone can assist me with what they believe to be the average cost per child per day and where I may be able to get the formulas to begin the early stages of planning?

Keep up the fantastic work that you all do!

M.B xxx
BillyLidz Pty Ltd

Re: Costing Formulas for Child Care

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 3:19 am
by Lorina

Welcome To Aussie Childcare Network! :wave:

I have been searching to try and find a formula for you to work out what fees you can charge but unfortunately I can't find anything. The only information I can find is a formula for parents based on the CCB. However, since your from NSW I think the average cost per day is something like $80/$90 per day for an LDC. Working out your daily fee really depends on what you are providing to children in regards to nappies, formula, all meals, extra curricula activities etc. If you are providing more than you need to charge more. Also depends of the age groups... Higher charges per day are expected for the nursery compared to the preschool room. It also depends on your location which also makes a difference in the cost of childcare. My advice to you is to ring around your area and find out what other centres are charging. Just make an "enquiry" on what they are offering and price per day just so you can get an idea...

I thought this may be an interesting read: "Cost Of Childcare Centres"

I also written an article called "How To Start A Childcare Business" which will also provide you with useful information.

Sorry I wasn't able to offer much help in regard to your question but best thing to do is ring around the area and find out what other centres are offering then you can go from there...


Sorry for my late response - bubs is sick with a viral infection...