Aussie Childcare Network Forum • CHCGRP002 Plan and Conduct Group Activities Part C: Skills Observation
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CHCGRP002 Plan and Conduct Group Activities Part C: Skills Observation

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2018 1:35 pm
by jennyhermann
Group demographic:

Minimum five (5) participants
Ages ranging from 16 – 65 years
Mix of males and females
Three (3) differing ethnic backgrounds if possible.
Instructions for completing this assessment task ONLINE:


Working with a minimum of two (2) others, collaborate to identify the needs of your group. You can be creative in determining the members of your group and their needs, or base it on a ‘real’ situation you have experienced
You can ask your colleagues, friends and/or family members to help you collaborate, alternatively you can contact fellow online students or Tutors to collaborate with you
Document your collaboration on the ‘Activity Action Plan’, including details on who you collaborated with, how you collaborated and what was discussed.

I need to do 2 of these with a video.. Would anybody be able to possibly give me a few sugestions on what and activity action plan would consist of? I am completly lost at where to start.