Aussie Childcare Network Forum • CHCECE018 - Suitable Experiences For Architecture and Inventions
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CHCECE018 - Suitable Experiences For Architecture and Inventions

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 8:16 pm
by Monique Christofis
I need to have atleast half a page for each question. I don't know what else i can add. Also i don't really understand question 3. Thank you :)

Task 2: Questionnaire (10%)
Length: Max 1 page per question.
Respond to each of the following questions to outline your ideas about suitable experiences you would provide.
1. How could you introduce children to a range of examples of architecture?
As an educator you can positively introduce examples of Architecture to children by talking about different types of shapes people would use to build and what colours, you could read/discuss the book called ‘’Comparing Shapes’’ by Charlotte Guillain. This book talks about and shows examples of each shape (circle, triangle, square, rectangle, ovals, semicircles and diamonds and also examples of different patterns. The book also talks about comparing the shapes and describing them. You could also make your own flip book of buildings/architecture that may be known to children for example the Sydney Harbour Bridge and the Opera house. You could also set up an interest table with some natural resources for example wooden blocks and pictures of Architecture from around the world to allow the children to have an opportunity to build their own building.

2. How could you introduce children to a range of examples of inventions?
To positively introduce inventions to children you could try and find some simple inventions from second hand shops (wipe them down before bringing them into the centre) and have them on display for the children, have a discussion with open ended questions being asked to the children for example ‘’What do you think it is used for’’, ‘’Can you show me how it works’’.

3. Describe an example/s of when it would be suitable for children’s creative experiences to be extended over days or weeks.

Reference your answers to Belonging, Being, Becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia to show how these experiences would meet the requirement of this document.

Re: CHCECE018 - Suitable Experiences For Architecture and Inventions

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 7:16 pm
by Lorina
I think you're onto a great start! The following may also help:

Nurturing Creativity
