Aussie Childcare Network Forum • CHCC511A - Scenario: Cala and Amy
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CHCC511A - Scenario: Cala and Amy

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 5:33 am
by linu.20
Your Assignment Module Number and Heading: CHCC511A
Your Assignment Type: Case Scenario
Currently Working in Childcare? Yes
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge

Your Question?
poor planing

it is 4.45pm Cala and Amy are on late shift .There are still eight children at the services .Cala has notices the number of preschooll children staying later has increased over the few weeks . It has been a very hot , windy day and the children have had a spend much of the time indoors .It is now much cooler and Cala and Amy decide the children need some time outdoor.
Cala carries Lim (10 monts) and takes the hands free phone and intercom for the front door with her .Amy bring the basket of washing to food while she's supervising .Lim has been unsettle all the day and has needed almost constant attention . when cala sits him in the playpen he becomes very distressed so Cola asks Amy to quickly inside and get him water in a cup. Amy goes inside taking three children with her .
cala sits on the grass with lim on her lap.Sarah(3.4 years) are hosing the garden .they have dragged the hose across the bike path. two toddlers are riding their bikes on the bike path.there is a group of older children playing in the cubby near the fence at the far end of the playground and another group of children in the sandpit.
suddenly , Mitch run over the hose on the bike track and trip his bike over . He screams and when he sits up Cala can see there in blood around his mouth and on the front of his T-shirt.
Cala places Lim in the playpen , runs over to grab some gloves from the container in the shelf. but the container is empty .she calls for amy and moves towards Mitch .as she moves she again calls for Amy .As she reaches Mitch Cala notices some older boys have found a ladder and have dragged it to the fence and look as if they are around to climb over (there is a busy road on the other side)
BOth Mitch and lim are now crying loudly .Cala calls to the children near the fence but they do not respond.Amy wanders out with Lim's sipper and the there children - she is unaware of what has happen .Cala tells Amy to go and bring the children back from the fence while she wipe the blood from Mitch's mouth using his Tshirt.
When everyone is gathered together they all go inside .Mitch is not seriously injured.Lim is over the indignity of being left in the playpen and everyone is clam .
fifteen minutes later three are only two children remaining so cala goes to get the accdient books so that she can record Mitch's injury .The accident book is not in its usual location and is now where to be found.cala quickly writes a reports on a sheet of paper and leave in the director's in tray.
when the llast child leaves cala takes the opportunity to talk to Amy about the incident and asks Amy why she took so long in the kitchen ,Amy replies she thought she'd help out unpack the dishwasher .before the conversation can ocntinue they are interrputed by amy boyfriend bloe wing the car horn. amy grab her bag and rushes out leaning cla to lock up . then minutes late cala leaves for home feeling very stressed and is the responsibility of the middle shift to pack away the outdoor equipment and fold the washing

the next morming cala is ready to talk to the director Trish. she is concerned about supervision of the children and tasks not beging completed .

question 1.what are the underlying issues in relation to this incident that need to be addressed by Trish ? the time between the accident happening and before Amy returned list the decisions that Cala had to quickly make in relation to the children .

03.what were the key risk to health and safety in this scenorio?

04.what action should be taken to ensure this situation does not reoccur?

What is your answer so far or What have you done so far as an attempt to solve this question?
I am stuck with that question .any one can help for me ??????/

Description and Message:

Re: health and saftey in action

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 3:55 am
by Lorina
You need to add your response in order to receive support for your questions.


Re: health and saftey in action

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 2:37 pm
by linu.20
old boys found ladder and have dragged it to the fence (other side busy road)
hose across the bike path when other children riding their bike ,Mich runs over the hose tips his bike over need to separata bike path and garden .
4.*must be ladder in a lockable place.
* when Amy when to inside she must come quickly with a water she was late .
*Sarah and Jessie hosing the garden also they have dragged the hose across the bike path . then other children riding they bikes on bike path. that why Mitch run over the hose on the bick track and tips his bick over .
*must be separate are hosing and garden and bike path

any one can help for me ...............

Re: health and saftey in action

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 4:40 am
by Lorina
So this scenario pretty much has all the information you need to answer the questions... Just re-read the scenario and bread down the information with the questions...

1) Underlying issues may include: evening routine, completing tasks such as packing dishwasher, supervision etc.
2) Re-read the scenario to find this out.
3) yes, you're on the right track.
4) maybe something like limiting the area the children can play outside during the evening. So maybe the children can only play in the upper part of the playground in order for the staff to adequately supervise all children...

Hope this helps


Re: CHCC511A - Scenario: Cala and Amy

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 2:15 pm
by linu.20
Thank you sooooooooooo much LA