Aussie Childcare Network Forum • Scenario: Nailah - Cutting Out A Picutre
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Scenario: Nailah - Cutting Out A Picutre

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 10:16 pm
by momotayeasmin
Nailah (3 years 3 months) is attempting without success to cut a picture of a horse from a magazine. She becomes upset and frustrated with her efforts and finally gives up. “Nailah, can I help you?” asks the Educator.
“I want this horse but I can’t cut it!” Nailah responds.
The Educator sits down to help her. “Well, the best way to cut a picture from a magazine is to tear out the page first, like this. Then it’s a bit easier to cut. I’ll hold it for you while you cut… That’s great. You’ve cut all the way across to the top. Now I’ll turn it around and you can cut along the bottom of the picture… Good work! You did it. I’m glad I could help you, Nailah.”
In the following scenario, the Educator has used the technique known as ‘scaffolding’ to help Nailah persevere and achieve success.
Explain how the Educator scaffolds Nailah’s learning?


What would be the positive outcomes for Nailah in relation to her social and emotional development?

Re: Scenario: Nailah - Cutting Out A Picutre

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 4:34 am
by Lorina


Re: Scenario: Nailah - Cutting Out A Picutre

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 10:05 pm
by momotayeasmin
In the following scenario, the Educator has used the technique known as ‘scaffolding’ to help Nailah persevere and achieve success.
Explain how the Educator scaffolds Nailah’s learning?
The educator just gave the support to cut picture and told some directions only to Nailah but the educator din not do the task by himself/herself


What would be the positive outcomes for Nailah in relation to her social and emotional development?
Nailah may be motivated to help others by learning from this event
is it correct?

Re: Scenario: Nailah - Cutting Out A Picutre

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 4:28 am
by Lorina
Sounds like you're on the right track with this response! :thumbup:


Re: Scenario: Nailah - Cutting Out A Picutre

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 10:13 pm
by momotayeasmin
Nailah (3 years 3 months) is attempting without success to cut a picture of a horse from a magazine. She becomes upset and frustrated with her efforts and finally gives up. “Nailah, can I help you?” asks the Educator.
“I want this horse but I can’t cut it!” Nailah responds.
The Educator sits down to help her. “Well, the best way to cut a picture from a magazine is to tear out the page first, like this. Then it’s a bit easier to cut. I’ll hold it for you while you cut… That’s great. You’ve cut all the way across to the top. Now I’ll turn it around and you can cut along the bottom of the picture… Good work! You did it. I’m glad I could help you, Nailah.”
In the following scenario, the Educator has used the technique known as ‘scaffolding’ to help Nailah persevere and achieve success.


What would be the positive outcomes for Nailah in relation to her social and emotional development?
Nailah may be motivated to help others by learning from this event

I gave this answer but my Assessor told me (Good effort, however you need to consider what the positive outcomes for Nailah in relation to her social and emotional development??
But i can't understand what I need to write.

Please help me

If I give

Nailah may be motivated to help others by learning from this event. I think Social and emotional development includes the development of self-concept and self-esteem as well as the ability to express our feelings and form relationships with other people. Self–help skills promote autonomy, confidence and self-esteem would be the positive outcomes for Nailah in relation to her social and emotional development.

Is it correct?

Re: Scenario: Nailah - Cutting Out A Picutre

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 2:48 pm
by Lorina
The Educator is offering encouragement and positive feedback to Nailah as she assists Nailah to cut out the picture. This will help Nailah in giving her the confidence to cut out the picture by herself next time...

Hope this helps,
