Aussie Childcare Network Forum • CHCCS400B - Matching Legislations, Regulations & Acts with Descriptions
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CHCCS400B - Matching Legislations, Regulations & Acts with Descriptions

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 3:40 pm
Your Assignment Module Number and Heading: CHCCS400B Work within a legal and ethical framework
Your Assignment Type: Standard Question
Currently Working in Childcare? No
Your knowledge: Beginner

Your Question?
Hi, I have just started studying my Cert III in childrens services and am having difficulties with a legislation question. I have to match up the legislation with the description

a. Child Protection Legislation
b. Education and Care Services National Regulation, 2011
c. The convention on the rights of the child
d. Commission for children and Young People Act 1998
e. The Early Childhood Inc "Code of Ethics"
f. National Quality Standards
g. Occupational Health and Safety legislation
h. Anti-discrimination legislation & equal employment opportunity
i. Public Health (immunisation) legislation
j. Privacy & personal information protection Act 1998 & Freedom of Information Act 1989
k. Industrial Relations legislation

1. Guidelines for professional behaviour & decision making about issues affecting child care services
2. Requirement to notify health authorities of contagious outbreaks and immunisation records: exclusion of unimmunised children during an immunisable disease outbreak
3. Sets out professional standards of quality care-interactions, relationships, health, care & programs for learning & development. Children's services complete an accreditation self0study process and are reviewed
4. These outline minimum standards for children services licensing and care
5. In order to protect children, the employer has the responsibility to screen all prospective employees according to this Act
6. Children are human beings with rights of their own
7. They ensure there is no discrimination in employment opportunities and in the workplace: gender, physical or intellectual disability, religion, marital status, race, medical stauts etc
8. Act protecting and preventing child abuse. All staff working in childrens' services are mandatory reporters.
9. Legislation relatingto confidentiality and the disclosure/ non disclosure of families' personal details
10. All workplaces must comply. Aim to reduce incidences of OHS injuries and diseases. Employer and employees share responsibility for managing risk in workplace
11. Set standards for food preparation to ensure it is both safe and suitable for human consumption. Stipulates food handling and food preparation and storage.

What is your answer so far or What have you done so far as an attempt to solve this question?
After submitting my answers to my assessor I was advised that the following go together and are correct

a. + 8
c. + 6
g. + 10
h. + 7
i. + 2
j. + 9

So I am struggling with Legislation b, d, e, f, k and descriptions 1, 3, 4, 5, 11

I think d = 5, e = 1, f = 3 but I am stuck on 11 the food regulation. From googling lots of websites I feel I can match b. with both 4 and 11 and I don't know which one links with Industrial relations legislation.

Description and Message:
I hope this isn't too confusing to understand and I really hope someone can help me out with this as I really can't seem to be able to locate the right answers. Thanks in advance for your help

Re: Legislation and guidelines

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 5:29 pm
by Lorina
OK, so I went through your answers and what you have so far seems right.

Matching points 4 and 11 to either b or k can get a little confusing. I agree with you they both seem to fit with one another.

However, I went on the Industrial Relations website and it is all about providing correct wages to employees, leave entitlements, holidays etc so I think that it is best suited to no 4.

Here is the link to the Industrial Relations site: ...

That leaves b to 11.

Hope this makes sense,
