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As an Educator in Australia, your pay rate falls under the Children’s Services Award 2010. This award states the minimum amount that an employer can pay you based on your qualification and your position while working in an early learning…
Celebrating children's birthdays is important to the child and their families. It's a special occasion that focuses on the individual child and celebrates the day they were born.
A great way to start a career in early childhood is with a traineeship, for existing Educators a traineeship will enable you to develop your knowledge and skills to further your job role. The following article provides information on Traineeship…
When going for a job interview the most nerve-wracking part of it, is answering those questions that may be asked. The following article provides a list of interview questions and sample answers including About Yourself, General/Scenario Based Questions, NQF/EYLF Questions…
The following lists useful contacts if you have a question or need support as a provider and for early learning services.
More natural disasters affect Queenslanders than any other state in Australia. Early childhood services should be ready for bad weather. Thus, it's critical to prepare. The following article provides information on Notifying Of A Closure, Storms and Cyclones, During The…
As part of their educational programmes, early education and care services may be situated in or travel to bush environments where it is known that snakes may be active and present. Although they are more common in the spring or…
As Educators, one of the main responsibilities is completing documentation for each child. Whether it will be completing an observation, writing a report or even communicating with parents everything needs to be written.
A child’s Transition Statement summarises their abilities as they start school and identifies their individual approaches to learning. Though there might be several people contributing to the information included in the Transition Statement, early childhood educators have the primary responsibility…
Reflective practice is learning from everyday situations and issues and concerns that arise which form part of our daily routine while working in an early childhood setting. It’s about reflecting not only about what happened but why. It also guides…
When writing a report on a child, it's an opportunity for the Educator to capture the child's learning and for parents to receive an account of their child's engagements within an early childhood setting. The following article provides information on…
When completing either a half-yearly or yearly reports, its main purpose is to inform parents of their child's progress and achievements thus far. Your comments should be constructive, insightful and original.
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